4 Reasons to Embrace Slow Living through Minimalism The speed of my life has decelerated recently. Our fifth baby was born two weeks ago—in the middle of the biggest blizzard…
Tag: slow living
This time of year, a certain quote that I love surfaces within online minimalist communities: “No”vember: A time to practice saying no to people, places, and things that drain you—and…
Early on in my minimalist journey, I realized the life reset I desired would largely be shaped by one little word: “no.” This “no epiphany” happened during a routine Saturday…
I’ve always had a knack for conforming to cultures. In my early 20s, country hopping through Europe and northern Africa, it worked in my favor. I picked up basic flamenco…
The speed of my life has decelerated recently. Our baby girl was born two weeks ago—15 days before we expected her. The day of her birth I specifically told a…
Slow living is a paradox. The more activities we fill our lives with, the less depth our lives achieve. Hyper living—skimming along the surface of life—is real. Too much busyness on the outside can soon feel empty on the inside. Stopping allows our soul to catch up and pausing permits our full presence.
During this year of COVID, like many families, we ventured into the world of homeschooling. It’s not what we had planned for our 7-year-old daughter, but, given the uncertainty that…
The way I viewed time changed in 2007. The year I quit my desk job, threw some essentials in a large suitcase, and moved 5,000 miles east to a town…