Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Emily McDermott. The summer sun is blazing and it’s another humid day in Virginia. I see a few pairs of shorts in…
Category: Minimalism
In a recent conversation with a good friend, I recognized myself three years ago. “I can’t stand the mess in our home,” she expressed. Following her toddler around the playground…
I had a moment last week I can only describe as the epitome of “adulting.” A good friend and her four kids were at our apartment home for an afternoon…
This week at the grocery store, the latest edition of Real Simple magazine caught my eye. Waiting in line to check out, the words “Clutter-Free Home” leapt off the cover,…
We’re three months away from moving day, which means I’ve begun to take a hard, close look at the possessions in our minimalist home. While I’m already in the habit…
Simplicity is getting very clear about what you want. And then having the guts to let go of everything else.
In other words, simplicity is a way to gain clarity about our life and values.
We let go of things not because we don’t want them anymore, but because we want something else more.
Curating a minimalist wardrobe steeped in your personal style cultivates confidence, promotes inner peace, and spreads positivity to the world around you.
A few weeks ago, I sat watching our kids play, baby on my lap. It was a beautiful spring Sunday—one we chose to fill with quality family time at a…
I don’t own a lot of sentimental items, but the largest by far is the upright piano in our family room. My dad gave it to my mom when I…
Spring is finally upon us. And for many of us this time of year, our focus naturally turns toward the state of our homes. We open wide windows and begin…