11 Reasons Why Minimalist Living Just Makes Sense

One of my most profound “ah-ha” minimalism moments happened on a small-town sidewalk outside Seattle. 

It was Thanksgiving of 2018, and while visiting my in-laws, I found many opportunities to disappear on long walks thanks to the extra child care. 

One particular afternoon, I chose a path that pointed me toward the base of Mount Rainier. The mountain emerged regally above low clouds before me. The view was breathtaking. I took it in between strides, but soon, my mind was elsewhere. 

I was on the edge of minimalism. I was extremely interested; I deeply desired a lighter life with less stuff, but I wasn’t sure it was logical to let go of my possessions

What if I needed something later? What about all the money I’d spent on my stuff? What would people think if I gave away things they’d given me? I had no shortage of questions. 

So as I walked, I listened to The More of Less by Joshua Becker for guidance. 

He spoke of the universal benefits of minimalism. “Excess possessions have the power to enslave us physically, psychologically, and financially. Stuff is cumbersome and difficult to transport. It weighs on the spirit and makes us feel heavy. On the other hand, every time we remove an unnecessary item, we gain back a little freedom.”

I felt this—at every level. Excess stuff was weighing on my spirit. Life felt anything but light.

And that’s when it hit me: going all-in with minimalism was the most rational decision I could make.

I felt as though the sun had broken through the gray, Pacific Northwest clouds and illuminated my world. I was overcome with a feeling of lightness and clarity that suddenly confirmed my next step—without question.

Minimalist living just made sense. And I was all-in.

Living minimally has been one of the most life-giving decisions I’ve made. And it can be for you too. 

Here are 11 reasons practicing minimalism is one of the most rational decisions you can make (as outlined in The More of Less):

1. More time and energy

When you have less stuff to clean and maintain, you have more time and energy to allocate toward what matters. 

2. More money

When you buy less stuff, more of your money stays in your bank account.

3. More generosity

When you’re not attached to your possessions, you’re more able to bless others with your excess stuff. (Plus, more money in your bank account means more funds to donate to causes you’re passionate about.) 

4. More freedom

When you’re not enslaved by your stuff, you feel more free mentally, physically, financially and emotionally.

5. Less stress

Less stuff to maintain, pick up, clean, and keep track of means more time spent pursuing what makes you come alive. 

6. Less distraction

Environmental clutter derails our attention; a clutter free space facilitates increased focus. 

7. Less environmental impact

Consuming less means less damage to our environment (and less demand for products unethically produced overseas).

8. A better example for our kids

Living with less shows our children the most important things in life aren’t actually things (meaning our children will break out of the dopamine-driven purchasing cycle promoted by our culture and pursue greater things than consumerism).

9. Less work for someone else

When we own less stuff, our children and grandchildren won’t be tasked with the overwhelming responsibility of taking care of all our stuff once we no longer can.

10. Less comparison

When you live with less, you live with the things that support your best life and know you don’t need what others have to be happy.

11. More contentment 

When you understand real happiness isn’t found in your possessions and you avoid stifling any negative feelings through shopping, you make space to root out the areas of your life that are true sources of discontentment. 

Becker writes, “Living with less offers more time to spend on meaningful activities, more freedom to travel, more clarity in our spiritual pursuits, increased mental capacity to solve our most heartfelt problems, healthier finances to support causes we believe in, and greater flexibility to pursue the careers we most desire.”

He’s speaking from experience, and after living with less for almost three years now, I wholeheartedly agree. 

For our family, minimalism has made complete sense. We’ve paid off over $40,000 in debt, built stronger relationships by spending more quality time together, supported causes we’re passionate about, pursued hobbies we’d only dreamed of having time for, and had more time to dedicate to spiritual growth. 

I’m not saying minimalism makes life perfect. 

But it does make life much lighter.

For more guidance and inspiration on living with less, I highly recommended checking out Becker’s book The More of Less.

If you’re considering living minimally, go for it. It just makes sense to live with less.


Julia Ubbenga is a freelance journalist whose teachings on minimalism, simplicity, and intentional living have reached thousands of people worldwide through her blog. Julia practices what she preaches in her Kansas City apartment home with her husband, two extremely lively young daughters, and one-year-old son. You can also find her on Instagram.


I want to help you design a simple, intentional life! I’ve created a 30-day course that will guide and inspire you to make actual change in your life by decluttering your home, heart and schedule. It’s time to live focused on what matters! Learn more HERE.

3 Replies to “11 Reasons Why Minimalist Living Just Makes Sense”

  1. I really enjoyed this article Julia. It was very uplifting and inspiriting. I too, have made minimalism my way of life and it’s the gift that keeps on giving. It’s amazing how many benefits there are from the minimalist lifestyle. My husband and I have also payed off debt, saved money, and strengthened our spirituality and our relationship with eachother.
    One benefit I am really coming to appreciate more it that when you have less you get to know yourself better. Because of being more in tune with my strengths and weaknesses, desires and goals, I have been able to pursue creative work I love, establish healthy habits, and my position our life for some really great adventures!

    1. That’s wonderful minimalism has been so life giving for you! Yes, you definitely get to know yourself better and live life more deeply with less stuff.

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