Before decluttering our home (aka “letting go of over 70% of our possessions in a year”), I thought I had this jettisoning-possessions thing figured out. It was October of 2018…
Category: Minimalism
I recently read a blog post by a professional declutterer explaining why she focuses on simplicity with her clients instead of minimalism. Using the dictionary, she defined the words in…
One question I often get as a minimalist mom goes like this: aren’t your kids deprived growing up in a minimalist home? The question comes in the way of Instagram…
One of my greatest, and most rewarding, challenges of minimalist living has been learning how to declutter books. My love for books began in 6th grade (maybe it was because…
Early on in my minimalism journey, I realized that to live a decluttered life I needed an ownership audit. To let go of unused stuff—and to halt its constant influx—first…
Ever since adopting a minimalist lifestyle five years ago, I frequently have what I call “minimalism is for you” moments. They resemble “ah-ha” moments and solidify (although I don’t need…
Last week at school pick-up, I had a minimalist Christmas moment that was interpreted as rather Grinch-like. I was chatting with other moms, when the topic of Christmas gift-related overwhelm emerged. I…
Since embracing a minimalist lifestyle, our family’s gift-giving tradition has become giving more experiences and less stuff. It can take some outside-the-box thinking and increased intentionality to celebrate the holidays…
Minimalist living has changed the way our family celebrates the holidays—drastically. December used to usher in a season of frenetic spending, uncontrolled amassing (think piles of new stuff), and commitment-induced…
Throughout my five-year minimalist journey, changing my spending habits has been as important as letting go of my possessions. The rationale is pretty simple. Jettisoning unused and unloved possessions only…