I’ve got this memory from last Christmas, evening of the 25th, kids asleep, commotion stopped, and me sitting with this feeling of complete exhaustion. Not the welcomed type of tired…
Category: Intentional Living
Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Mollie Donghia of This Evergreen Home. What does it mean to live life more simply and embrace the practices of simplicity? What’s…
I walk the “being versus doing” tightrope daily. My morning routine usually begins with silence and stillness. Most days, I’m off to a steady, sure start. Then the doing sets…
Slow living is a paradox. The more activities we fill our lives with, the less depth our lives achieve. Hyper living—skimming along the surface of life—is real. Too much busyness on the outside can soon feel empty on the inside. Stopping allows our soul to catch up and pausing permits our full presence.
Take a minute today and ask yourself, “Is caring what others think holding me back? Is it limiting my ability to declutter my life and make space for what really matters?” Never has there been a better time than now to work on overcoming the need for external approval. If it’s got a grip on you, now is the time to break free. Life is too short to live it trying to impress others. Be true to yourself—your life will be better unmeasurably for it.
Last weekend I was at the library, preparing for a 12-hour road trip to Texas by perusing the DVD section. After stuffing my bag with as many semi-educational kids shows…
Our son’s Godfather, a close family friend, passed away last week. It was a sudden, unexpected passing. The kind that leaves you struggling to find your footing in the wake…
The way I viewed time changed in 2007. The year I quit my desk job, threw some essentials in a large suitcase, and moved 5,000 miles east to a town…
Are you having FUN in your life? This was the question my coach James posed to our mastermind group at a recent retreat. I immediately felt defensive. FUN? Of course…
A word I usually avoid slid out in conversation this past week. “I just feel. . . busy,” I told my husband, reflectively. He was sitting on the couch sipping…