8 Reasons Repeating Outfits Will Simplify Your Life

On a gray morning last month, I stepped out of my bedroom, dressed and ready for the day. 

“Mom, why do you have that again?” Asked my four-year-old daughter between bites of breakfast cereal.

Have what? I wondered.

Scanning my empty hands, my eyes landed on my yellow, graphic “Hello Sunshine” tee. She’s talking about my outfit, I realized. I’d worn the shirt the day before yesterday, but it was clean again, so on it went.

She’s noticing my tendency to repeat clothes, I thought. 

“Do you mean, why am I wearing this shirt again?” I asked, to be sure.

“You have it on again because you want the clouds to go away today?” She said thoughtfully.

I smiled. While I hadn’t been that intentional and chosen my outfit in attempt influence the weather that day, living a minimalist lifestyle has unearthed an extreme intentionality around my wardrobe.


Because owning a repeatable, sustainable wardrobe that reflects your personal style is one of the most powerful ways to simplify your life. 

In 1930, the average American woman owned nine outfits. Today, that figure is 30 outfits—one for every day of the month.

Before minimalism, I lived the “more outfits the better” mindset. In high school, I documented clothing pairings daily so as not to wear the same thing twice in the same month. In my first job out of college, I’d rummage through my roommates’ closets regularly, trying to piece together a “new” outfit before sliding into my cubicle. 

Finally, I figured out this outfit preoccupation made life more complicated. In fact, many people are realizing the benefits of becoming outfit repeaters.

Here are 8 reasons I love wearing the same things often (and think you would too):

1. Increased presence 

Clothing can contribute to mental clutter. You decide to wear something, but two hours later you’re stuck wishing you’d worn something different. Maybe it’s proven to be uncomfortable. Or, turns outs, it wasn’t a great fit for the occasion. That interior voice can nag you throughout the day, stealing your peace and presence.

Simplifying my wardrobe and wearing only what I love has been mentally freeing. I don’t get stuck wondering if I wore the right thing or wishing I’d worn something different. I wear what I love. Every day. And I’m more present for it.

2. Save money 

The average person spends around $160 per month on clothes, which is nearly $2,000 a year. Many of these purchases land in already full closets and are rarely worn.

In writing this, I realized I’ve bought four new clothing items this past year, two of which were needed maternity shirts. Minimalist living has shown me I don’t need to chase the latest trend to feel good about myself. Shopping for clothes is no longer a pastime, which saves me money.

3. Less decision fatigue

We make an average of 35,000 decisions a day. Our brain’s daily decision-making power is finite, meaning the more decisions we make, the harder it becomes to make another one.

Wearing the same thing repeatedly saves your decision-making power. I’ve found my mind is sharper throughout the day when it’s not bogged down in the morning trying to decide what to wear.

4. Less comparison 

Getting caught up in comparison is a guaranteed way to drain your joy. If you’re distracted by other people’s outfits, wishing your wardrobe resembled theirs, you’re missing out on your own life. Purchasing another pair of shoes isn’t going to make you happy (well, maybe briefly, until you see another pair you wish you had… and the cycle of discontentment continues).

Before minimalism, I’d see other people’s outfits and work to replicate them. I thought I needed certain pieces of clothing to fit in (like those faux leather shoes I bought before moving to Spain because I thought they’d make me look more European. Or the over-priced heels I bought—and thankfully returned—before my brother’s wedding because I thought they’d help me fit into the L.A. crowd).

Now, I’m confident in my personal style and happy to wear my outfits over and over again. I’ve found I can still admire someone else’s style, but have no desire to own clothes like them myself.

5. More self-confidence 

What you wear projects a message to the world about what you think of yourself. When you wear what you love and feel best in, you radiate more confidence. Why not do this every day?

I’ve learned what outfits make me feel confident and most authentically myself and which ones don’t. I wear the keepers often. And the rest, I let go.

6. Simplified laundry routine (less clothing clutter)

When you have just a few favorite outfits you wear regularly, you’re more motivated to care for them. You don’t let them pile up in the hamper for a week—you need them sooner than that! This motivates you to stay on top of laundry so you’ll always have your favorite outfits ready to go.

Before minimalism, I’d wear something and throw it in the hamper until I got around to washing it. Sometimes I’d even forget I owned it! Piles of dirty laundry created clutter piles throughout our home. 

Now I know where clothes are at all times—hanging in my closet or in the washing machine (we don’t use a hamper). Our laundry routine has been greatly simplified by owning fewer, more loved outfits. And spending less time on laundry means more time spent on other, more enjoyable, things.

7. Help the environment

North Americans send 12 million tons of clothing to landfills every year, 95 percent of which could have been reused or recycled. Fast fashion has made us view clothes as disposable. 

Buying outfits with longevity and repeatability in mind is good for the environment. When you wear the same thing often, you do this. Building a more sustainable wardrobe doesn’t have to break the bank. My favorite place to shop is a Savers thrift store in a well-off area of our city where I find quality pieces for half the price. 

8. You feel better

A trip to your closet can influence how you feel. Seeing clothes you wish you fit into can trigger frustration. Seeing clothes hanging with the price tags still attached can trigger guilt. Seeing clothes inherited from a loved one who has passed away can trigger sadness.

I prefer to feel happy when I peer into my closet each morning. Owning only repeatable outfits that I love does this and can set a positive tone for the day.

An unknown quote I love goes like this:

“It’s okay to… repeat clothes, not upgrade your phone, buy second-hand items, live in a simple home. It’s okay to live a simple life.”

If life feels complicated, consider your wardrobe. Could owning a repeatable wardrobe that reflects your personal style create a ripple effect of simplicity throughout your life? In my experience, it absolutely can.

Why not give it a try?

It’s more than okay to become an outfit repeater. 

Your life will become simpler and more meaningful for it.


Julia Ubbenga is a freelance journalist whose teachings on minimalism, simplicity, and intentional living have reached thousands of people worldwide through her blog. Julia practices what she preaches in her Kansas City home with her husband, two extremely lively young daughters, one-year-old son, and newborn baby girl. You can also find her on Instagram.


I want to help you design a simple, intentional life! I’ve created a 30-day course that will guide and inspire you to make actual change in your life by decluttering your home, heart and schedule. It’s time to live focused on what matters! Learn more HERE.

6 Replies to “8 Reasons Repeating Outfits Will Simplify Your Life”

  1. Love this article! It makes me sad that so many clothes end up in the landfill. Recently I learned that even clothing items that are torn, stained, etc. can often be donated because the thrift stores can sell them to be recycled and still benefit. While I have certainly not reached minimalism when it comes to my wardrobe, I have definitely been more intentional about buying the types of clothing that make the most sense for my current lifestyle (which is very casual) and that are comfortable and fit well, and selling or donating things that don’t make sense for my current season of life. I do like to have a few neutral dressy items for those few special occasions that come up so that I’m not making an impulse purchase for a special occasion. I really enjoy your blog!

    1. Thanks for reading! Yes, the landfill stats are surprising and unfortunate. That’s wonderful you’ve become more intentional around your wardrobe! ?

  2. Great srticle. The other half of this is to do less, not just have less. The women in the 1930’s, and the 1950’s, did not wash those outfits every time they were worn. If you had a spot, you washed the spot. The entire outfit was only cleaned when actually dirty. Yes, underwear and socks were changed daily, but not bras. Growing up in the 1950’s, our clothes were not thrown in the laundry after one wearing.
    We washed our towels once a week. How dirty is it after you have dried a clean body? We did not have fitted sheets, and the top sheet was moved to the bottom, and only the bottom sheet was washed once a week.
    We didn’t take a bath every day, especially in cool weather. If you are not hot, sweaty, of filthy from hard work, are you dirty? We had haircuts that did not need daily products and maintenance, but worked with our natural texture.
    And washed it once (for dry curly hair) and twice (for straight oily hair) a week.
    How dirty is your house? If your windows stayed closed, how much dust is on your furniture? Does your kitchen just need a quick sweep? Cut up and reuse worn out cotton garments as rags, to immediately wipe up spills on the floor. Do you get a new glass every time you get a drink? Or does each person have a water glass that is reused?
    Just a few thoughts from a vintage person!

  3. Great post Julia! I totally agree! I used to be obsessed with having lots of different outfits and for a long time I excluded my clothing from my minimalist efforts but then I did project 333 and realized that having a bunch of clothes you hate to wear feels like having less than having a few clothes you love to wear. I also learned that my personal style is colorful and eclectic and that’s ok. It can still mix and match just great! I live having clothes that fit well, feel good, and bear repeating because it makes my life a lot more fun!

  4. It’s hard to admit when you get old that you no longer need dressy clothes. There are no events in my life. My trips out are usually to DR or eye exam or for a test the DR wants me to get somewhere. I do shop on occasion but the clothes I wear to the DR will take me anywhere in town, So now that I admit I have very little social life, I’ve been letting things go.
    I wear long tunics instead of fitted tops or shirts. I wear elastic or drawstring pants. That’s my at home uniform. No baggy sweats. I have maybe four dressy tops with jeans or slacks for going out. In winter I add a long cardigan at home. I do have a trench, a windbreaker and a plain quilted coat for going out.
    We have to dress for our lives now and not the way they were. It can be a hard lesson to learn but you will be so much happier with just the things you really need in your closet.

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