55 Easy Things to Declutter Right Now

Want to start the New Year with a decluttered home?

The thought of decluttering can be overwhelming, especially if you don’t know where to start. But it doesn’t have to be. 

To get started decluttering, look for items that are: duplicates, unused, broken, missing pieces, or just no longer loved. 

It can be fun! You get to become like a detective in your home, looking for things you no longer use, need or love. 

You can designate 15 minute chunks each day to declutter. Or, just start picking things up during the day as you walk through the house. 

The trick is to change your mindset in two ways. First, believe you can live in a decluttered home (you absolutely can!). Second, put decluttering at the forefront of your mind and you’ll begin to notice the things in your home that can go.

The quote “Whatever you focus on will grow in 2020” is spot on. If you keep decluttering at the front of your mind, it will happen. 

Ready to get started?

Here are some ideas of things you can declutter today in different areas of your house. 


1. Extra coffee mugs

2. Spatulas (Do you really need more than one? Try living with only one for a month and see.)

3. Food storage containers with missing or broken lids

4. Old medicines or vitamins 

5. Shopping bags (buy reusable ones)

6. Expired food

7. Freezer burnt food

8. Stale pantry items

9. Expired spices 

10. Water bottles (especially ones that leak)

11. Kid’s sippy cups (how many do you really need?)

12. Cookbooks you never use (bookmark online recipes instead)

13. Take out menus (you can find them online)

14. Small appliances you never use 

15. Expired or unused cleaners 


16. Old magazines 

17. Receipts that are no longer needed

18. Old calendars

19. Old greeting cards (take a picture of them if you still want the memory but not the actual card)

20. Expired coupons 

21. Old batteries

22. Broken pens and markers 

23. Unused cords

24. Digital clutter (photos, emails, old texts, unused apps)

Living area

25. Vases

26. Extra flashlights

27. Objects missing parts (like the digital photo frame from 10 years ago that you still can’t find the cord to)

28. Papers that you no longer need (shred or recycle)

29. Books you’ll never read again 

30. Candles (excess or burned-down)

31. Unused exercise equipment

32. Broken tools

33. Hobby items you don’t use 

34. Old DVDs or CDs

Your closet

35. Shoes you don’t like or no longer fit right 

36. Winter clothing (do you have extra hats and gloves that aren’t used?)

37. Clothing you no longer wear or love (Hang all your clothes the same direction. Then change the direction of your hanger once you wear a piece of clothing and hang it back up. By the end of the month, see what hangers haven’t flipped the opposite direction. If you haven’t worn these items in a month, do you still need them?)

38. Broken Jewelry or jewelry you never wear

39. Purses you don’t use 

40. Manuals for products you no longer own

41. Wire hangers (most dry cleaners will take them back)

42. Broken sunglasses

Kid’s stuff

43. Toys your kids don’t like, don’t play with regularly, or have outgrown 

44. Kid’s old school papers from

45. Excess artwork from kids (have your children help take pictures of them on your phone first to save the memory if they want to)

46. Clothing you kids don’t wear regularly 


47. Extra towels 

48. Old make-up

49. Dried up nail polish 

50. Old lotions

51. Expired sunscreen

52. Expired bug spray

53. Old prescription eyeglasses

54. Old travel sized products 

55. Old samples of skin care products 

Get started today! Your life will feel lighter for it. And with less stuff in your home to manage, you’ll have more time to focus on what matters most.