One question I hear often is, “How can I find time to declutter my home?” It’s a question I asked six years ago when I embraced a minimalist lifestyle. And,…
Tag: minimalist
4 Reasons to Embrace Slow Living through Minimalism The speed of my life has decelerated recently. Our fifth baby was born two weeks ago—in the middle of the biggest blizzard…
I didn’t get into minimalism for the financial benefits. Initially, I was drawn toward a simple lifestyle with less so I could breathe in our home again. Minimalism promised less…
Minimalist Christmas: 6 Ways to Celebrate Christmas like a Minimalist I recently read a quote about Christmas that left me thinking. In Letters from Father Christmas, J.R.R. Tolkien says, “Here…
This time of year, a certain quote that I love surfaces within online minimalist communities: “No”vember: A time to practice saying no to people, places, and things that drain you—and…
Last week, a kickoff call with my HarperCollins’ marketing team left me reflecting on the promises of a minimalist life. I presented my book (coming early next year—details to come)…
When asked why I decluttered our home, one of my go-to answers is that “I did it for the details.” I’ll usually clarify a bit, but the concept itself is…
Minimalism as a Tool After adopting a minimalist lifestyle, I frequently read about the lives of other minimalists. I devoured books and articles about minimalists who lived in the ancient…
After five years of minimalist living, if I was to offer one gentle suggestion this time of year, it’d be this: find time to declutter your home. While spring cleaning…
Before decluttering our home (aka “letting go of over 70% of our possessions in a year”), I thought I had this jettisoning-possessions thing figured out. It was October of 2018…