7 Steps to Declutter Books Like a Minimalist

One of my greatest, and most rewarding, challenges of minimalist living has been learning how to declutter books.
My love for books began in 6th grade when my literature teacher promised pizza to anyone in the class who read the most books (I was determined to be among the winners). Initial reading motives aside, I fell in love with books early on and never looked back.
I was as quick to purchase a book as I was to read it. Problem was, my book collection accumulated; books came in, but never went out. Soon I owned box-after-heavy-box of already read books.
Now, I still think buying books is a wonderful investment (and I recently wrote one called Declutter Your Heart and Your Home: How a Minimalist Life Yields Maximum Joy that will be released in three short weeks!).
Books shape who we are and have the power to change a life. Even Mark Twain said good books were a requisite for “the good life.”
Books are also good for our overall health. A 2009 study by the University of Sussex revealed that a mere six minutes of reading can reduce a person’s stress level by 68 percent.
But it wasn’t until adopting a minimalist lifestyle that I realized it wasn’t in my best interest to keep them all. As I began to detach from and declutter my unused and unloved possessions, I finally learned how to let go of books.
Here’s how to your declutter your books like a minimalist:
1. Choose where you will display your books
A minimalist declutters books by first defining the physical boundaries where the books will live. How much space do you want your book collection to occupy? This could range from one bookcase to one shelf. I’ve chosen the latter and love keeping only my absolute favorite books on one shelf in my closet.
Keep as many books as you like, but they simply can’t surpass this designated space. I’ve found, on average, 12 books fit into one foot of shelf space. So, If you’re choosing a 3-foot-long shelf to house your book collection (like me), then plan to keep around 36 books. (You can see my book collection here.) Set your guidelines before you declutter to ensure desired results.
2. Decide where you plan to donate your books
Before decluttering books, a minimalist will typically decide where to donate them. Knowing your book’s future destination can help you let them go. Are they headed to a thrift store whose proceeds help a good cause? To the local library or to A Little Free Library? To a school or a woman’s shelter? Will you give several away to friends? Choose a donation site you’ll feel good about supporting.
Another idea is to have a book exchange with friends. In my experience, this is a great way to acquire wonderful new reads for no cost. I enjoy knowing where my once-loved books are landing. Plus, I look forward to discussing my friend’s old books with them at park playdates.
(If you regret letting a book go, you can purchase it again for a few dollars at a used bookstore.)
3. Place all your books in one pile
The next step to decluttering books like a minimalist is placing every book you own in one central place. Retrieve books from the car, under the bed, closets—locate them all. Stack them or lay them out across the room one by one; there’s no wrong presentation, just be sure you can see each one.
I needed an entire room to declutter my books the first time—my collection was massive.
4. Immediately declutter any books that make you feel bad
Begin observing your to-be-decluttered book collection. Do any of the books evoke negative emotions? To declutter books like a minimalist, immediately place those books in your donation box.
A book, like clothing, can trigger feelings of guilt. If you bought a book but have neglected to read it, then you may feel bad when you see it. Books can be bought for our “aspirational selves”—the person you “could” be but aren’t (and likely aren’t actually called to be).
Do you own a book on how to speak Spanish, but you’ve only known “hola” for the past five years? Let it go. Do you have a book on how to use a digital SLR camera, but you don’t venture from your iPhone? Let it go. If it makes you feel stressed, or makes you feel like you should be someone you’re not, let that weight go.
5. Question the rest of your books
After letting go of any stress-inducing books, a minimalist will hold each book individually and make a decision.
Ask yourself two questions: “Do I absolutely love this book?” and “Do I reference this book often?” If the answer is yes to either, then keep it. If no, then donate it.
Books can sometimes feel like sentimental items. If you’re looking for a deep-dive into decluttering sentimental items, my new book has an entire chapter on it.
6. Fit your favorite books in the designated space
Gather your keep pile and see if it fits in your designated container. If it fits, congrats, you’re done! If you’ve kept more books than you have space for, do this. Go through your keep pile and pull out only your very favorites. If your goal is to declutter your books, you simply can’t keep them all. Put your very favorite books in the designated space. Box up those that don’t make the second cut and put them in storage for three months.
When you revisit them, it will be much easier to let them go. If it’s still difficult, consider rotating them in every couple weeks and see if you actually still enjoy/reference them. If not, let them go.
7. Use the one-in-one out rule for new books
When you get a new book, an old one will have to go (think “one in, one out”) to honor your boundary and keep your space clutter-free.
In conclusion
Learning how to declutter books like a minimalist—and then taking action—is an important piece of your simplicity journey.
Unused and unloved books that you’re holding onto “just in case” or simply retaining because you spent money on them are clutter. And clutter weighs us down.
Here’s to surrounding yourself with just the books that lift you up and challenge you to grow into the person you’re called to become—and happily letting go of the rest.
Julia Ubbenga is a freelance journalist. Her online projects on minimalism, simplicity, and intentional living have reached over 50 million people worldwide. Julia also practices what she preaches in her Kansas City home where she lives with her husband and their five children. You can also find her on Instagram and Facebook.

P.S. You can now find my new book Declutter Your Heart and Your Home: How a Minimalist Life Yields Maximum Joy on Amazon!
Thank you for all your good advice. I’ve now done most of the decluttering so that our belongings (after 42yrs of marriage) will fit into a two bedroom apartment….except for my art supplies for pastel painting. I’m trying to narrow down the things I use most but I know there is still too much and most of it has to be purchased online as there is not a complete supply source where we are moving. Is there a way like ‘sparks joy’ that I can further reduce things?
Thanks for reading! I like the spontaneous combustion question by The Mininalists to further reduce things. Read more about it here: