How to save money on Black Friday.

The week we spend giving thanks for our blessings is also the week we Americans spend the most time and money looking for a pre-holiday deal.
Retail statistics show the Monday before Black Friday, shoppers begin their online searching and purchasing. These purchasing rates peak on Black Friday and then drop off significantly.
As we enter the week of pre-Christmas sales, 86% of Americans are expected to join the spending. And Americans are expected to spend $1,047.83 during the holiday season.
So what about you? Are you looking for a good deal this week? You’re in the minority if you’re not.
And if you are deal searching these days, are you buying items you’ve intended to or are you making impulse buys because the items are on sale?
Last year, 52% of people purchased something on sale that they later regretted.
So how do we avoid these impulse buys that we will only regret later?
Below are my favorite three quotes to keep in mind during Black Friday (or anytime the temptation to purchase is strong). Memorize them, write them on a notecard and put them next to your laptop, or save them as a screensaver on your phone. They will help you save money this holiday season – promise.
1. “Forget sale price. Everything is 100% off when you don’t buy it.” – Joshua Fields Millburn
The average Black Friday discount is 20-30% off. If you don’t buy it at all, you save 100%. That’s your hard earned cash. Of course, you’re free to spend it as you like. But don’t fall into the temptation of buying simply because it’s a good deal.
2. “If you are not content today, there is nothing you can buy this weekend to change that.”– Joshua Becker
New, shiny things, ultimately, aren’t going to make us happy. Sure, they’ll give us a temporary dopamine surge, which will feel good. But that feeling won’t last. If you’re seeking happiness, it’s not going to be found in something you purchase this week.
3. “Only in America do we wait in line and push past others to buy items one day after giving thanks for everything we already have.” – Joshua Becker
This week is one for giving thanks. For growing in gratitude and spending time with loved ones (two things that create more lasting happiness than buying stuff). Take a look around your home. You really do already have everything you need, don’t you? And when you needed something, you probably already ran to the store and got it (or found it on Amazon).
If you’re tempted to buy something, write a note to someone instead telling them how grateful you are for their presence in your life. This gratitude exercise will make you feel better than spending does, and the recipient will also benefit.
So how do we save money on Black Friday and during the pre-holiday sales surrounding it?
We count our blessings, we remember we already have all we need, we avoid clicking on tempting advertisements, and we remember that everything is 100% off when we don’t buy it.
I love this post. Good reminder to avoid crazy and wild capitalism in our homes.